Frequently Asked Questions

What is TurinPool and how is it different from other platforms?

TurinPool is an AMM built on Polygon and focused on tokens that represent economic rights to the Equity of companies (SL). It allows both founders and companies to achieve cash-in or cash-out through the interaction of their tokens in liquidity pools, fully complying with current regulations. TurinPool is unique in the DeFi landscape because of its ability to tokenize economic rights to shares, making them liquid from the start.

What problem does TurinPool solve?

TurinPool solves the problem of lack of REAL LIQUIDITY for entrepreneurs or investors, being able to make their shares liquid and obtain USDT in exchange, and allows startups to finance themselves by raising liquidity through the sale of LP tokens from their own pool, as investors buy their token and increase the price of the LP; it has the advantages of an increase in capital but without its drawbacks, since the founders keep the political rights of the shares.

Why isn't TurinPool subject to the Securities Market Act?

TurinPool is a framework where the tokens that are issued are not a security, since they represent the economic rights of SL shares, and these are not considered a financial instrument for LMV purposes, precisely because of the characteristics of SLs in that their shares cannot be traded on stock markets.

Are the economic rights of an SL financial instruments?

No. The economic rights of a limited company are not explicitly classified as financial instruments in the general definition of the latter. Financial instruments are assets that can be exchanged in the market, including stocks, bonds, and derivatives, among others, which represent contractual rights to receive or deliver cash or other types of financial instruments, or represent ownership in an entity. Economic rights in a limited company, although they have economic value and may involve capital flows (such as dividends or profit shares), are not specifically mentioned under this general classification.

If I invest in tokens from a company listed on TurinPool, do I really own the shares?

No, you don't have political rights over social participation, although you do have economic rights. You will not be able to attend shareholder meetings or make decisions about the company's governance, but you will be considered as another partner for economic purposes (dividends, capital gains and any liquidation event). Keep in mind that the social shares associated with the tokens in the pool are pledged, to avoid precisely the “problem of double spending”.

What exactly do tokens represent?

The tokens of a pool in TurinPool represent the economic rights to the shares of a limited company. It allows companies to create markets for their shares in a decentralized way through liquidity pools, with the companies themselves managing these pools, and providing TurinLabs with the necessary smart contract infrastructure for this purpose.

Can I tokenize my company if it's not in Spain?

Yes, you can tokenize your company even if it's not in Spain. TurinPool complies with EU regulations and aspires to become the default platform chosen by companies around the world to tokenize their captables and make them liquid.

Can any user in the world buy tokens from my company?

Yes, any user in the world can buy tokens from your company as long as they meet the KYC/AML requirements. TurinPool allows investors to buy tokenized equity from any company listed on TurinPool.

What is the price at which my token should be quoted?

Usually, the price of a token is determined based on several factors, such as the company's valuation, the number of tokens issued, and investor demand. All of this will be tailor-made by the company together with the TurinPool analysis team.

Does the price of the token reflect the value of the company?

That's the way it should be, the price of a token is linked to the value of the company. The value of a company is fixed by the market, and the transaction value is identical to if the company is listed: the only difference is that the liquidity of a public company is determined by an order book, while in TurinPool it is fixed by a liquidity pool (besides, in a regulated market, the holder of the token must be the holder of the stock, usually public limited companies).

If I am a company that needs funding, can I use TurinPool?

Yes, TurinPool allows companies to obtain funding and capitalization by obtaining cash in exchange for their tokens. It also allows founders and investors to sell their tokens through liquidity pools, allowing them to easily obtain cash.

If I am a business owner or partner, why am I interested in TurinPool?

TurinPool interests you because it allows you to CASH in: you tokenize the economic rights to your company's shares, take them to a liquidity pool and allow others to buy them (that is, to invest in your company). This way you'll decide when to sell your tokens and cash out.

As an investor, why might I be interested in TurinPool?

Because it's the easiest way to have direct exposure to the Equity of your favorite companies, from the point of view of economic rights. Investing in a startup or technology company is often a very costly task (not to say impossible in many of them). TurinPool makes it possible.

What will happen if a company has a “liquidity event”?

Any company listed on TurinPool has pledged the shares associated with the tokens that were used to create the pool. This means that in the event of any liquidation event, the corresponding cash will be channeled to TurinPool, and the smart contract will distribute it to the existing holders at that time.

How does the $TURIN token benefit from TurinPool?

20% of the commissions generated by both buying and selling are used to buy $TURIN tokens from the pool and burn them, increasing their price. In addition, the $TURIN token will progressively incorporate other utilities into TurinPool, to benefit investors and companies in the form of commissions.

How much does it cost to register my company with TurinPool?

TurinPool charges a monthly fee of 379 €/month to the company that wishes to list on the platform, plus a variable setup fee (depending on each case) to legally tokenize the shares and make public all the necessary documentation to provide guarantees to the investor.

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