

Who we are in TurinLabs

Meet the team behind the products we build in TurinLabs. A very recognized guys in the crypto and bitcoin scene worldwide.

March 26, 2024

Hello world!

Discover how TurinLabs was created and the values that inspire us to work every day.

March 26, 2024

Meet Rodrigo Gómez, new Marketing Officer

We are better than yesterday. We are glad to announce the incorporation to TurinLabs of Rodrigo ("Rodri") Gómez as Marketing Officer and future CMO. Rodri will be in charge of the business development and marketing staff any company needs to grow and scale.

March 26, 2024

Meet Josu Sanz, new Product Business Developer

Josu boasts extensive expertise in the digital business and product realm, having established three successful companies and achieved sales of over 10,000 digital software licenses.

March 26, 2024